The undergraduate program is focused on applied science in mathematics and engineering to obtain strong academic background. The computer programming, experimental activities and practical workshops are giving the students the chance to deeply involve in various practical engineering issues. At the last year of undergraduate program, the student must carry out a summer Internship and a research project. Hence, the students have the chance to work in a team and to identify the real engineering problems and resolve the related challenges. They also learn and practice the various applied software programs related to Chemical, polymer and polymer engineering. The post graduate students are required to pass a few advance courses to strength their academic background and after that they are involved into a research project as a dissertation. The post-graduate students are promoted to involved into a practical project (joint industrial project) to become more familiar with engineering process in industry and resolve real challenges. The student can employ the variety range of up-to-date laboratory equipment to perform their research.

- 031-33915623
- Chemical engineering
- Distillation
- Adsorption
- Separation Processes
- Nanomaterials for Desorbents
- Acid Gas Removal
- Heat and mass transfer Enhancement: Application of Nanofluids
- Energy storage: Phase Change Materials
- Design of Experiment (DOE) in Chemical Engineering
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
- Simulation-Mathematical Modeling, and Optimization
- Multiphase fluid flow
- Environmental Remediation and Environmental Protection
- Transport Phenomena and Separations
- Reacting Systems and Heterogeneous Catalysis
- Supercritical Fluids (Nanotechnology /Extraction/Reaction)
- Kinetics and Reaction Engineering
- Two phase flow in microchannels and microfluidics
- Polymer engineering
- Polymerization: Polyurethane synthesis, Vinyl chloride suspension polymerization, Suspension Polymerization (S-PVC) and …
- Polymer Surfaces and Interfaces: Physicochemical Modification of Polymer Surface, Simulation of Polymer Interfaces
- Crystallization of Polymers
- Polymer Processing, Polymer Blending, Polymer Composites, Polymer Rheology
- Composites and additives
- Extracting and isolating nano-fibers from natural resource
- Preparation and characterization of bio nanocomposites: Chitosan based composites Developing bio-nanocomposite foams, Starch based nanocellulose composites and foams
- Developing new environmentally friendly composites such as bio-fiber thermoset/thermoplastic composites.
- Simulating mechanical behavior of composites for building, construction, and automotive applications.
- Gas separation membranes
- Polymeric membranes in CO2 capture, Reverse Osmosis, Microfiltration, Ultrafiltration and Nanofiltration
- Study on membrane processes ; Membrane bioreactor process
- Water and wastewater treatment by advanced membrane technology
- Preparation of membranes and bipolar plate of PEM Fuel Cell
- Modeling flow behavior of polymer membranes
- Tissue Engineering
- Microstructure-property relationship of polymers (Physico-Mechanical Properties of polymers)
- Bio-Technology
- Fermentation Technology
- Bioreactor Design
- Economic Analysis of Bioprocesses
- Bioprocess Development
- Microbial fuel cells
- Environmental Bio-technology
- Wastewater Treatment
- Pretreatment of Lignocelluloses
- Synthesizing bio-based polymers from natural resources.
- Cultivation of microalgae and halophiles for the production of high-value products
- Petroleum Engineering
- Unconventional Reservoir Modeling
- Numerical Methods
- Reservoir Charactrization
- Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Petroleum/Chemical Engineering
- Petroleum Reservoir Engineering
- Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
- Fluid Flow in Porous Media
- Thermodynamic of petroleum Fluids
- Welltesting analysis